
By CaptainIna

Brunch, museums and best friend

June 14th, 2012

Today was the last time I spent time with Kyle in Chi-town before he went back to Guangzhou. It's amazing to see how much we've both grown in all aspects of our lives - his hair, my psychological age, and our closeness to each other. I'm very very grateful/thankful to have Kyle as a neighbor - someone who I'm willing to hop on a CTA train at 4 p.m. (already getting dark) headed towards UChicago during winter just because I wanted to see him. Maybe it's the proximity of our geographical locations that have brought us closer together - as best friends. I've helped him figure out the situation with his former girlfriend, witnessed him gradually move to the happily-ever-after mode of life and figure out what he wants to do with his life (well, kind of). He was there for me when I just came out of a two-year-relationship and helped me deal with the breakup (I was actually calmer than I expected regarding this), watched me grow psychologically, and helped me up when I was down.

Brunch was at Wildberry. It was so popular that we had to wait in line for 20 minutes on a Thursday morning. Another place down on my bucket list of Chicago restaurants and another step in my Chicago food adventures. The crepe was decent, but the lack of chocolate was slightly depressing. The brewed coffee from Intelligentsia (alleged best coffee in Chi-Town) was amazing as the last time I was there. The healthy breakfast and usual chatter was a start of a great morning.

After brunch we headed over to the Art Institute of Chicago to see the new "Roy Lichtenstein: a retrospective" exhibit. I've always wanted to see it after it opened in the beginning of June. Lichtenstein's artwork were unique in a way that made me wonder "wow is this really art? It just looks like he stuck some fabric on a canvas and painted over it." But I guess this uniqueness is appreciated by some. I found it an interesting experience to go through the whole exhibit and learn about his different stages of work. I've always had a thing for museums, and the AIC is one of my faves in Chi-town.

We proceed to the Museum of Contemporary Art, where I took this photo. It was even more of an unique/interesting/slightly weird experience. I guess contemporary art isn't really my thing, but it's amazing to see how artists express their ideas in such diverse ways. There wasn't too much to see, as I missed the special exhibit on the 80s (reading week was too chaotic ugh), and the new special exhibit on skyscrapers (what fun!) wouldn't open until June 30th, four days after I leave the country. What's more inconvenient than the opening time is the closing time - September 23rd, a day after I get in Chicago. Maybe it's destiny that I'll miss this exhibit. Oh well. I'll definitely go if I have time. Architecture has always been an interest of mine (out of the many...#YOLO)

Then it was shopping. Lots of shopping. Kyle was very patient and offered good advice - to his girlfriend who may or may not be reading this, this is a genuine good quality that boyfriends ought to have!

The day ended with a good-bye hug on the red line. My stop was Monroe while Kyle headed for Jackson and his #6 bus. But it was more of a see-you-later kind of thing. Till then, have fun with life. And see you in the summer, fall and years to come.

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