
By Drysailor

Close The Borders,!

Scrap the Scengen Treaty, all These cries from People who have no idea of what is involved. Here is what remains of an old Border Crossing between Holland and Germany. The blue sign is the Border, the White building on the right the old Customs Offices and Checkpoint. The Dutch ones were behind me, long pulled down and rebuilt as a Farm and General store. There are dozens of such deserted sites along the Border and dozens of "Green Paths" that cross without checks, the old, so called Smugglers paths. They were served on both sides by a small army of armed Customs officials, all of whom have long since gone into Retirement. Controls on the Motorways you may say. what is the point when you can cross legally at a hundred other places?Oh no , Pandoras Box has been well and truly opened by our wonderful, all knowing Chancellor , I wonder whom she will blame for the mess now? Oh and the Border from Holland and Belgium is even more Rural!!

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