I arrived back from San Francisco today - just in time to have a visit from my adorable and cheeky Great-Niece, who is almost 2. She brought her parents with her too! Aneeta's mum is my sister's daughter.
A few days ago I Face-Timed with her and showed her a toy-box I had put together for her, which included a very large Peppa Pig. Having heard that she was mad about Peppa Pig, I couldn't resist it when I saw it at the local charity shop. Well, she obviously remembered all this because in the last few days she kept mentioning my name, along with the words 'Box' and 'Peppa Pig'. So mum and dad decided they better come for a visit.
Dolly seems to be happy enough with her in the house and was eagerly awaiting their visit at the front door. Aneeta is carrying the bear that I gave her for her first birthday. They are inseparable. We enjoyed a snack of Samosas while we waited for a Pizza to be delivered. Aneeta immediately found Dolly's 'toy box' and enjoyed having a good look through it and bringing all the cuddly toys to me one by one. (Dolly even let her take one home!) Eventually, she was introduced to her very own toy-box and was of course particularly excited by the giant sized Peppa Pig! Not only did she enjoy the toys and books, but she also had great fun playing IN the toy box! Nothing should be wasted!
Other Aneeta blips….
May 27 2014
July 28, 2014
Sep 28, 2014
May 31, 2015
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