Mr John

By MrJohn

Light .....

..... reflected.

This is the third and final blip in my triptych on the quality of light. I've had three conseutive evenings out excercising in the beautiful landscapes we have around here and three evening admiring the skies and light.

This evening I have been training at the Cow and Calf on the moor in one of Spartan's tough training sessions. Today's session involed a lot of hill training with numerous reps up steep inclines on rocky paths and then recoveries on just as steep downhill grassy banks. The midges were out in force today and instead of just biting Spartan decided that we all looked tasty. I've a feeling everyone is going to look like they have chicken pox tomorrow ( myself included ). Due to the midges some of the hill reps had to be done on the footpath next to the road up to the cow and Calf, this suited me fine as I prefer tarmac under my feet rather than uneven ground.

After the session Myself and Spartan had a walk over the moor from the Cow and Calf to White Wells, to see if we could capture a decent photo of the sunset. Although we were on the moor until after 9pm, the sun didn't get low enough to produce anything worthy of a blip ( there were some lovely red shafts of light emmiting from the clouds whilst we were training, but I didn't get a good photo of those ). I'd almost given up on capturing the sky when I noticed it reflected in the pool below White Wells. There was a lone duck on the pool that decided to pose for me and also added a few ripples. So today's blip is.....

..... Light reflected.

Light and space

Light and shade

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