New To My Backyard
My hands are wrapped in Ace (elastic) bandages to help stabilize my fingers and control the overall pain from my wrists on up. I look like a boxer ready to put on the gloves. So I can't type much.
This is a broad-billed hummingbird. It has some orange in it's bill, especially near the head, which makes that its easiest identifying characteristic. I hope it shows up in the photo. It's a little ragged (so I "painted" her a little) because it was at quite some distance. I wasn't really ready to shoot when I saw her!
So far this summer that makes these species captured by me in the yard: Costa's (Zippy), Anna's, Rufous and now the Broad-billed. I've seen the Black-chinned, just haven't gotten a snap of one of the little dickens yet. Will be stalking them next!!
I tossed in an extra of a wind blown hummer. Give it a title!
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