We're being scanned, Captain

One of our educational activities was to visit a herd of water buffalo. They were a bit suspicious of a large group of a dozen people.  But they soon settled down when we didn't run away or make any sudden moves.  They are kept on a common, in a small section of 'forest pasture' - pasture with scattered trees, to provide shade.  A lovely clay-lined wallow has been dug for them; they were preacefully soaking in it when we arrived.
All flocks - of sheep, sheep & goats, cattle - are attended by a shepherd.  Both sheep and cattle wear bells.  In the case of the water buffalo, it's more of a cooperative affair - each buffalo has five owners, and the shepherding is shared out among them.  They're kept in a barn at night and are regularly milked.
We were also informed that they chase motorbikes.  And as if on cue, one appeared, buzzing across the common, and off they went.  They don't like the noise.

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