Ball Games

Well, I haven't seen a sign saying 'No Ball Games' in the Botanic Gardens, anyway. Doubtless someone will tell me there is one now....

Our tile delivery arrived at just after 8, so we were free for the day and I decided we should go to Bounce and Rhyme, which we haven't been to for ages. Just as I was getting ready Amanda texted me to say she would be in the West End - what good luck!

We also got to meet our friends Gail and Murdo's baby Isobel at Bounce and Rhyme which was very exciting as she's about the same age as my new nephew and I hadn't visited yet. Alexander didn't seen any more interested in singing than he did last time I went - I think he now associates the library with hide and seek and chase... I think I might have to give it up as a bad job!

Amanda met us afterwards and we went for a coffee and wander round the greenhouses. As previously recorded, Amanda's not keen on having her photo taken (although I suddenly remember we once featured in University of Strathclyde's staff magazine, salsa dancing (with each other).... anyway...) so this is a bit of sneaky one - hope she doesn't mind ;-) Excellent posture too.

Cockerel update: I did hear it this morning but it didn't exactly wake me - possibly because Alexander woke me half a dozen times in the night. Or could I be getting used to it???

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