With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

I forgot to say

White rabbits three times.

My chance to have some time with all three boys was scuppered yet again. After yesterday's rejigging things three times as well. This was the last chance too, as A goes back tomorrow. The windows of the van stuck in the down position with a storm coming and nowhere safe to park, so they all splashed about in this at Aqualand and I did the tour of garages and had to wait with towels and sunshields until the boys and girls, N and A emerged. My lovely mechanic back home sorted it in five minutes because only Pau knows which is the correct fuse to change (the radio one !!!!! It would appear they are in series)

I am so going to miss having my third boy about the place. He can come back anytime he likes for as long as he likes. xxxx

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