Flick and Swish
Very exciting to see a new horse in the field outside and wow he's a looker and so very much nicer than the ones we've had to put up with over the last few years both in temperament and appearance, that have bitten and chewed me and my clothing. Making friends over our fence by bribing him with a few windfalls seemed a good idea and it was.
Breath-taking to watch as he canters then high steps majestically at a fast trot up and down the boundary but always at a time when the camera isn't to hand. Must do better I feel on that one!
I have just seen my 'new' squirrel take a whole, yes you read it first here, a WHOLE fat ball out of the log feeder hanging on the gazebo and run off with it! Stunned!! Wish I'd seen the entire episode and wonder how he got it out of the top!
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