Are you Cereus?
See how fast the Night Blooming Cereus is growing! Those four hanging buds grew quite a bit just the two days we were away at the beach. There were seven buds but the three smallest ones fell off about a week ago. I think the plant couldn't support that many so now there are four. And they are growing fast.
This is the view through our kitchen window. Outside is our deck where we feed the jays and crows and beyond that Lake Whatcom. I feel so lucky to have this window to look through while I'm doing dishes or preparing food at the sink. Arvin is the orchid collector. So we usually have one or two on the windowsill. The Cereus has been there for quite awhile too and now it is getting ready to bloom. How exciting is that!
Quiet day today. We picked up Fiona, Queen of the Universe, at the vet's this morning. We boarded her while we were gone and "Uncle" Steve took care of the other kitties. Fio was taking an antibiotic that didn't agree with her and we were very concerned as she wasn't eating and she is already really skinny. Luckily she reacted positively to an injected version of antibiotic and is eating again and becoming her old cranky self. Phew! Even though she is 18, we are not ready for her to shuffle off this mortal coil, not just yet. So we are glad she is still here.
Steve and Kai are coming for dinner tonight. And the day is gray but not rainy, at least not yet. So life is very good.
Last year's Cereus bloom:
August 29
September 5
Bloomed on September 7
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