Meet Austin

This was our surprise visitor yesterday.
He came around with N & R who were babysitting for the day.
Austin is R's sister & brother in law's son & he is 3 months old.

Today is a `nice bright morning but feeling a bit on the chilly side. Still resting up as there is no change to my hip & knee....I go for the MRI next Sunday, then on the Monday I am going for more Hydrotherapy & then Thursday we go to discuss the results of the MRI...I need to get something done soon whatever that something is...I just can't "go on"  like this.

Today in 1532 Lady Anne Boleyn is made Marquess of Pembroke by her fiance King Henry VIII of England.and in 1715 King Louis XIV of France dies after a reign of 72 years.

In 2001 Brian Moore an English sports commentator dies aged 69 years.

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