
By MissRae

The neutral zone...

...a period of transition between 'ending, losing, letting go' and 'the new beginning'.

This is what I learned today in a short training session about how to manage the transition for my team about moving office and into a new way of working - no really!

We will soon be paperless, hot desking, hunt grouping, 'personalityless' non-denim wearing employees.

I embrace change, I do not live in fear of new technology (well maybe a little bit) - who would? there would be no Blip without it.
However, I will admit to a stationery fetish; the thought of a bottle of Quink, a Waterman's fountain pen and a Moleskine notebook leave me drooling and misty-eyed.
And I really like writing, the physical act that is (my prose style leaves a lot to be desired). I suppose that's what bothers me a bit about all this paperless technology, people will forget how to write, lose the skill, the art of putting pen to paper and leaving a bit of themselves behind.

Answers on a postcard....or the back of an envelope...napkin...post-it...anything really....

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