Still suffering a fog of tiredness from the weekend's exertions, today was a day of hovering and not getting much done. Some work on financial stuff that led to some grimacing and some slivers of optimism.
This afternoon I'd booked an appointment to see Conor's teacher for an end of year review, and despite some nervousness on my part, was delighted to find that she thinks he has made huge progress and she is very impressed with him. "Chapeau!" as she put it. She says he just needs to work on the six years of vocab he has missed compared to the other kids. Oh, just that then...
Tonight, just before a torrential downpour, I finally caught a shot of one of these hawk moths that I'm happy with. And I noticed that the gladioli are finally coming out. And the bean plants, despite being in the shade of the potatoes, are sporting teeny beans. And of course the torrential downpour means that I don't need to water the garden tonight. So all is good outdoors.
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