at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

'huh?' 'uuuuuuuuuuh' 'ooo'

Ivy was properly playing with her sisters this afternoon. She was telling Briar that she was 'my baby' and rocking her. Briar thought it was absoloutly hilarious. Ivy was determined she was going to be able to lift Briar and made a suprisingly sucessfull attempt considering that Briar is more than half her weight. 

Granny Grant has been with us for the past week and went home today. Ivy had a good search of the house for her when she got back from Jens.

Willow has put on another slither of weight this week- so it's all going in the right direction, all be it very slowly. Briar is almost 5kg now (Ivy isn't quite 9). 

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