a w a y

By PoWWow

6 0 0 sketches

All of the primary school teachers that lined the halls throughout my various assemblies all wore a similar half-bemused, half-deeply-disturbed, almost panicked expression on their face as I leapt about at the front encouraging hundreds of kids to scream out their favourite colours and cheer at the tops of their voices which sport they like doing the most. I projected huge pictures of colour-clenched -headache-heavy old mural shots and excitedly explained that we were going to be doing one of our own, and then for fun, I got them to cheer some more, for no real reason at all. The school quickly adopted the role of an oven as the heat wave struck down once more, leaving me to perspire my way from classroom to classroom, desperately trying as hard as I could to maintain the same insane level of enthusiasm.

And so this picture brings us up to the endless task of rifling through 600 designs that will eventually evolve into the master image. A sweltering park played a perfect office role in determining the outcome of the day's design carnage. It was made even better when Glenn turned up on his bicycle whilst cycling home + gave me a beer and an hour of entertaining banter to help me along my ropey creative contest with children's imaginations.

When the sun finally gave up on the day I pedalled over to Lozzles' summer fun garden to marvel in a great evening with just us girls; a load of BBQ food and a fire that we accidentally put out with too much flour fun.

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