Weigela Bristol Ruby

This beauty grows in a hedge in a neighbour's garden. It is lovely and flowers for such a short time, I was lucky to catch it. In sunny summers, it will flower for a few weeks, but not in this climate!!

The big school had an awards ceremony today - fab to see so many children so animated and happy. Loved it!

Gammy leg now completely free of plasters and reducing in disgustingness slightly. Not back on my bike yet - in fact my muscles are still not functioning properly. I suppose that will take time... My bike still lies broken in the back of my car waiting to go the menders - must get there soon!

I have re-written "New York" for a colleague who retires and their leaving "do" is tomorrow evening... hopefully I will be joined by others to serenade him, plus the boom box to drown us out a bit!! All good fun! A very silly time of year - perhaps even hysterical...

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