Mono-Monday: Secret - "Victoria's Secret...?!!"

For once, Her Majesty seems actually to be amused by the secret being whispered to her!

(I hope that it's OK on blip to use a stock photo as part of one's creation, but not having ready access to a Tardis I had no alternative.)

Any resemblance between the whisperer and myself is, of course, purely coincidental (believe that, you'll believe anything!).

I'm always amused by the name of the lingerie chain "Victoria's Secret", as it is said that Her Majesty donated a pair of her bloomers to The Royal Victora Infirmary in Newcastle (where I worked for many years) - and apparently it is still under lock and key in the said institution. I think it's highly unlikely that the current lingerie shops sell anything quite like them...but who knows, someone might start a new trend :)

Thanks so much to TheAphid for hosting MM so well this month, and coming up with such challenging and intriguing challenges.

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