twinned with trumpton


And after all the sleeping of Saturday, I - yes - slept in! It was 10 when I woke (considering my norm is 6, that's quite a lie in)

Then, armed with a list, I foraged around the supermarkets of N Edinburgh to restock her cupboards (she was engrossed in OT), and delivered it to her around 1.

Then to the St James Centre to liberate her bike and buy a basketball.

And the Meadows for sunshine, chat, nibbles.

We left around 5; I blipped this at Quartermile (remember the hole-y building of Jan / Feb this year? This is it now; slightly straighter edged but still mass repetition)

And in to cook for the week; draw together the WHW kit; and spent an hour out looking at the sun setting over the Firth of Forth.

(Extras - her waiting for me as I took photos; sunset)

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