Tower of babel
Katherine had a friend over today so we did baking. Or rather I did baking and the three kids smeared icing and hundreds and thousands over themselves and every surface in the kitchen. Luckily I managed to send most of the most iced biscuits home with the friend, so we don't have to have the sugar-rush horror here.
This one survived the cut, and is a lesson in how much icing and other sugar products you can pile on one small cinnamon biscuit.
Me and Conor have come down with the most horrible cold. I think this time it may actually be the dreaded man flu (European equality regulations give us equal rights to it now). Just a good excuse for a wee dram before bed I think.
Not for Conor, obviously (unless Calpol comes by the dram).
Lots of folk (ok, 2) were intrigued by the 'piranha project' my daughter was doing in yesterday's blip. If I had more energy I'd come up with something funny, but really it's just researching and writing down what you find out about a rainforest animal - she chose a piranha. Apparently they're really easy to catch and taste yummy. And some have escaped in rivers in the US (where some states allow you to keep them as pets), but they don't normally survive the winters (ahh).
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