
By JanPatienceArt

Paintings @BBCScotland via Andy Warhol

I had an early start for a Saturday morning as in a rash moment I agreed to go on BBC Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme to talk about Andy Warhol.
The BBC aired a series of programmes about pop art last week and it was hooked around this.
I probably know as much as the next art anorak about Warhol but I ended up reading up about him and watching various programmes as preparation.
There is so much more to Warhol than the '15 minutes of fame' tag. He was prescient in so many ways.
The discussion (which you can listen to here - 100mins in) consisted of me and presenter Gordon Brewer in the studio at Pacific Quay in Glasgow and a guy called Charles Thompson in London. He's co-founder of an art movement called The Stuckists, which (broadly speaking) seems to think that conceptual art is a bad thing.
Afterwards, someone on my Facebook page described the discussion as 'hilariously irrelevant'. Mr Thompson seemed to think that because Warhol didn't actually make a lot of the images which are so famous (his screen-prints et al) that he is vastly overrated.
You never get a chance in a brief on-air discussion to say what you really think as it veers off in unexpected ways.
I think Warhol's art set the visual seal on the age of consumerism and predicted so many trends - celebrity magazines, selfies, video art and more - that to write him off completely on the grounds he wasn't a real artist is just crazy.
Anyways, on the way out of the building, noticed these paintings. I've been to Pacific Quay quite a few times but had never clocked them before.
Good ole paint! You can't beat it (winkie face!)
In the middle was a late Joan Eardley. An unexpected bonus...

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