Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1


Acronym for Forest For The Trees Northwest. A mural project in Portland that started a few days ago.  Some works are still in progress, some works are large, some small (like this), all are classy and done by artists with a passion. Some with a mission, some with a statement, some just having fun.
 "Established in 2013, Forest For The Trees is a non-profit project dedicated to the creation of contemporary public art in Portland. The festival brings together local and international artists in a collaborative setting and provides them with the freedom and resources to create artworks in environments that are freely accessible to the local community."
I brought the iPhone and the big boy Nikon but I could not get back far enough with the Nikon's 50 mm and not be hit by a car, so I decided to use both, and I thought it was a bit trippy, seeing the hand.

On the drive back home, I was at a stoplight and saw someone working in the window. Now, that was an easy blip with the camera at my side already. I had the red Smartie so it's a selfie too.

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