Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Leading Lines

For some time now, I have been involved with a wee informal weekly/monthly competition with other Blippers. 

It has been great fun, but alas over the past couple of months, I have not had any motivation to enter any pictures to match the weekly theme. 

The motivation for taking photo's has not been there and unfortunately I have disengaged with Blip. Which is a shame cos there are some great journals that I have followed and as a result, I have not been keeping up with them.

This weeks theme was "Leading Lines" and I decided to make myself head out and try and get a shot that reflected the title - I managed to capture this pic.......not great by any means and technically could be alot better....but its a start, and hopefully I can recapture my love for photography and get back out there and hopefully re-engage with Blipfoto and my fellow "Blippers!"

Only time will tell!

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