Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Doggie bag

We had a bit of every sort of weather today: sun, rain, blue skies, grey skies, muggy, cool.  Consequently it was pretty mucky underfoot.  However, I have to say, this sight did make me laugh.  I'm sure all you serious dog owners know all about these dog bag garments but I've never seen one before and it burst on me with an explosion of wonderment!!!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, look away from the 2 girls and the pony to the white blob on the left.  The white blob is the fluffy tail of a white fluffy dog.  Its head - luckily for him/her - is also uncovered.  Otherwise it is entirely clothed from front to back, top to toe, in navy waterproof nylon.  Even the bottom of its feet are covered.  Not that I blame the owners.  White fluff +  mud and horse poo isn't the greatest combination.  It just looked more than a little idiotic, but I don't suppose I look that great in my waterproofs either.

So that was the high point of my bank hol Saturday.  For the rest I sowed my grass seed, threw horse poo (but not this horse's poo) onto my new flower bed and made a really rather scrummy (though I say it myself) fish pie for supper.

Hope your Saturday was a blast  xx

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