Sophie And Some Toast

"Now that I've got it in here, what am I supposed to do with it?"

Sophie is enjoying trying out new foods. This mornng it was my home-made bread, toasted. Despite the look on her face, she ate enough to suggest she enjoyed it!

I found myself having an emergency visit to the opticians this morning as I was experiencing flashes of light in my left eye. Turns out I was suffering from a Posterior Vitreous Detacment, where the jelly-like tissue behind the retina becomes detached and causes said symptoms.

Comes with old age apparently and not dangerous in itself, though it can cause the retina itself to become detached so I need to keep an eye it, as it were.

The drops I had to had to have in my eyes left me with blurred vision for much of the day, so this was my only shot of the day.

Another dismal performance from Yeovil. They could be toast if they carry on like this.

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