Creamfields (without the mud)....

I called in at the Post Box Cafe for some coffee and cheesecake and to see how the garden was faring. I am pleased to report that it is doing well and has started a second life as a concert venue. Creamfields without the mud if you like.

I was a bit worried about how the garden would fare. In St. Ann’s Square it had 24 hour security and there was no damage whatsoever. In Chorlton, once the cafe closes for the evening, it has to look after itself. And, so far, it has had no problems. People have enjoyed it and are respectful of it. And today, it was being used as a concert venue. The girl is the daughter of Paella Fella who was cooking on the terrace today. She’s half English and hard Spanish and sings jazz in English and folk songs from Iberia in Spanish. Her boyfriend (she was sat on his knee at one point so I think they are more than friends) plays Jazz saxophone and Flamenco guitar. He’s half English with some South East Asia in there. It was all very Manchester in 2015.

I did a bit of deadheading of the flowers while I was there but the garden is well watered by the cafe staff and Jay, Chris’s husband, looks after the plants, rearranging them as needed. I’m glad it’s being well looked after. Pete, who helped source a lot of the plants was there selling his plants on the terrace. He’s already well into sourcing plants for next year’s garden and we talked about what we could plant on this one once the summer flowers have finished.

I was excited to see that the sweet corn plants that I had in St. Ann’s Square just for their height and leaf shape have actually flowered. They look fit and healthy which is amazing because they are in quite small 1 litre pots, but I did put some slow release plant food in there when I planted them up at the beginning of the summer. (extra picture)

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