Curiosity killed the.....

Oh my goodness, SHE just made the most dreadful mistake.  SHE put HER Blip into my journal.  How about that!  This is MY Blip with Raj in the background looking as only Raj can, disgruntled because he's not the centre of attention.

Hey, Guess what.  I had a wonderful morning.  I went visiting.  Yes, I did.

First of all, I went to see Aunty Wendy, and I love doing that.  I had a great time.  Then after that we went to see Aunty Meredith.  I'd not met Aunty Meredith before, and I had a lovely time there too.  Aunty Meredith cooed over me, and said (the usual) isn't she cute.  Apparently I do cute very well..  And SHE said - Mishy I am so proud of you.  Because I didn't bark (except at Uncle Eddy and it was only a very tiny woof). 

I have to say I'm not that keen on men, especially when they are very large, probably because I am very small.

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