Hubert, Dolly and Kiki

A wee shot of Kiki and Hubert together! It's a little difficult at the moment, Kiki is pretty much on unlimited soft pellets and Hubert is supposed to be trying to eat less pellets! Funnily enough, he has now started to steal her softened pellets, a habit I am strongly discouraging, although I can't stop him when I'm not around! He does have his own regular pellets, but Kiki's are obviously more delicious! Bunnies are just like humans, they always want what the other one has! Kiki has had a another good day, she spent the day resting on the couch binge watching Dr Who on Netflix with me! Sorry for all the bunny blips, they are the only thing on my mind at the moment! Q and Shep are good too, I let them have a run around the living room, there were binkies aplenty!

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