For Bob

A sad day for us today as Bob, a close family friend of ours died at the Swiss Dignitas clinic. Read his story here.
Bob made headline news on nearly all the major newspapers with his story and we can only hope that the Assisted Dying Bill, which is being debated in the House of Commons on September 11th brings a change to the law in the UK.

I hardly slept all night thinking about how Bob must have been feeling. We had known the date that he had chosen to take his life and it's very strange to know the exact time & date somebody will die.

An owl screeched in the campsite for most of the night, keeping me awake and I wasn't aware but Dad mentioned in the morning that according to folklore the owl is believed to be an announcer of death, most likely symbolising a life transition or change. 

Growing up we spent many of our family holidays and weekends at Bob & Ann's house in Wales; playing in their idyllic garden, fishing in the pond, climbing on the rocks opposite the house, tending to the animals on 'The Land', taking part in political protests for peace...
Anna and I have so many happy memories of our time spent with Bob and will forever remember him for his sense of humour and passion for the things he believed strongly about. 
Here he is pictured with Mum, Anna & I out for a climb just up the road from their house. This is an old slide of my Dads, as are the extra photos.

Rest in peace Bob xxx

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