
By pensionspoet

Whitehall Yard, Sheringham

A long lie in, someone to make me a cup of tea and breakfast in the garden in the sun! That is how my day started, so I knew it was going to be a happy day.

After a few jobs done, we went into Holt for a wander. I bought a birthday present for Daniel who will be back at Uni next weekend to celebrate his 20th birthday. It will be strange not to see him. I suppose I will have to get used to that...

I also bought a new raincoat in the sale in Mountain Warehouse. As they email me almost daily, I thought it only fair to them! Now the red one that Jon was sporting in the blip from a few days ago has gone in the bin!

We had coffee in the sun, Henry found a shop to sell the elastic for his catapult, so he was happy, and I bought some lining material for a skirt I want to make. We didn't get home for lunch until 2.30.

Those of you on facebook will have seen what we did next! The motorbike was christened with each of us taking a turn on the pillion for a ride round the block. Kids loved it. I wasn't that thrilled - I like to be in control of the vehicle I'm in/on and it's been 20 years since I was on the back of a bike with Jon. He also mentioned that he may have to adjust the suspension if I'm to go on it with him - cheeky sod!

After sorting out a few bits in the loft, we went into Sheringham late for an ice cream and some nuts and bolts from the hardware shop, where I was pleased to briefly see a familiar friendly face from Linton. Seeing people I know, however faintly, is rare these days, so even if we are just on 'hello' or nodding terms, it is nice!

We wandered down familiar streets in Sheringham enjoying our ice creams, when I spotted this blue sign. After all the blue sign spotting I've done in Norwich, I think this one tops them all! Having a general interest in the 1st and 2nd World Wars, I couldn't believe I haven't seen this before! The extra photo is the quaint 'Whitehall Yard' now located on the spot.

Once home, my chicken korma had been cooking all day in the slow cooker, so we enjoyed an easy dinner.

Now where's that bottle of wine I opened last night....

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