Lala's Journal

By Lala

Sweet Dreams

I took several photos of flowers in the garden with new 'handbag camera' but no matter what I do I seem incapable of getting a good flower photo with it. Last week I even took the same photos with the phone and the phone was better!

I know I am doing something wrong and maybe I will get time to study it in more detail soon.

I chose this one, not because it's a great picture but for what it represents. When my mother in law died in 1996 I planted this rose called Sweet Dreams in a pot with some of her ashes. It stayed in the front garden, doing very little and I have to confess that as a gardener, until recently I was terrible! I do nothing to it. Occasionally it would get one or two blooms in the summer but nothing more.

I brought it with me when we moved and it is in the courtyard int he same pot, with the pictured bloom and SIX buds!

I have decided that Mary (mother in law) is also giving her approval to our move, as well as my mum (story on July 16 as cannot add links on this app). Although I don't believe in any of the life after death stuff, these happenings are just too coincidental to be nothing.

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