
Sadly Wom didn't sleep well last night.
Luckily Munchie did.

Once up we headed off to Newbridge Farm Park. Got there just as it opened.
Both children loved it there.
Trampolines, slides, climbing frames, animals....pretty much none stop from start till we left (as they were bringing out the millipedes for petting!!!!!)

Wom fell asleep in the car, Munchie too but not till we were almost home. Plonked both of them on the sofa expecting them to stir. Nothing. They both slept soundly for over an hour.

Played, auntie Sarah popped round. Tea. More play. Baths. Wom was a tinker going to bed so left him with daddy and Munchie whilst I went for a run. Got home. All three where I had left them. I got Wom down quite quickly. Daddy did Munchie.

Open to suggestions on both these points.
A, how do we get her to stay sat at the table during meals?
B, what do we do when she simply states I can't get to sleep even though she's obviously trying to go to sleep?

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