Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Things that you might find in the forest

Another day, another visit to the forest, another pretty little fungus. This is the common puffball Lycoperdon perlatum, also popularly known as the warted puffball, the gem-studded puffball, the devil's snuff-box and the wolf fart. The genus name Lycoperdon literally means 'wolf's flatulence' while the specific epithet perlatum simply means 'widespread'.

Some of the other things that I encountered in the forest were less pleasing and a couple are shown in the "extras".

What sort of a half-wit carries a tin of Irn Bru into the forest, drinks it and then abandons the empty can? Does the half-wit really think that it improves the look of the place?

And then, of course, a member of the lunatic fringe of the dog walking fraternity had, as ever, passed that way; having bagged up Rover's ordure in a bright blue bag they simply threw it into the grass. 

Are these people born stupid or do they have to go on a special course? 

Rant over!

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