An Irish Guy Abroad


Don't Panic

The council here is mad keen on putting gates at the ends of the back alleys I'm not to sure why. Other councils allow the residents to co-opt the alleys as gardens or playground extensions. That doesn't seem to be the case here mostly it is about denying access to the alleys. Down this one some guy runs a car detailing business, it is probably illegal trading and wouldn't have a licence or any insurance. He of course won't have been able to object to the gates over a loss of income. From a personal perspective the boys with loud cars will have to find somewhere else to rev their engines late into the night. I just hope its not on our road, we have enough of those already.

Another reason I am concerned by these gates is because I like going down the alleys and finding blips. Thankfully I have already blipped the gates from this alley.

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