Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Nonno's swiss knife

We spent another wild day at the crazy beach with all five of our grandkids and their parents. 

Lorenzo made this tool, to catch some fish, using Nonno's swiss knife, under the strict supervision of Nonno himself. 

The kids had all gone very cave man/tarzan, buidling shelters with sticks and having a wonderfully free and creative time.

Alessandro also wanted to use the knife and made a pointed stick almost identical to Lorenzo's.

Valeria had a great time in the surf with her dad. She is an excellent swimmer/ballet dancer. I would love to show you her running along the beach, but I'm not allowed to. Nor Im I allowed to show you Lorenzo asleep under his shelter or Ale. sharpening his stick. Lokewise, no shot of Max kicking a big plastic ball or little Ricky dismantling a Roman castle.
 BUT, I keep all the images in my mind in addition the on my hard disk of course.

Before I forget, as we walked throuhht the maritime pine forest, back to the car park, Alessandro lagged behind, because, in his own words, "I have to examine the world" and examine he did, although it was mainly sticks, which are his passion at the moment.

I awoke at 5.30  in the midst of a powerful dream. For the first time since she died, I saw my mum behind the glass in the back door.I knew that If I opened the door, to reach her, she would already be gone, but when I did open it, she was still there. 

I hugged her tight and it was so real and full of detail  that when I awoke, I felt as though I had had a real experience. It was as though I was breathing her breath, or she was breathing mine.and the feeling  of closeness stayed with me for some time.

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