Dolly and sore Kiki

I won't subject you to the full extent of Kiki's wound, it is quite upsetting, you can just see a tiny part of her shaved cheek here! She had her abscess drained, which wasn't an easy task! She had her X-rays first, which showed the extent of it, it was much larger and further back than expected! This made it quite difficult to get to, the vet had to cut through the muscle on her cheek to get down to it! She said that she had never done that before, so we're not sure if there will be any issues with this later on, but better than leave the abscess! She had also never seen an abscess come out of the cheek before either, Kiki just likes to be different! They did manage to drain it and have tacked the muscle to her skin to keep a channel open for it to be drained further! The X-rays also showed some issues with a few of her other teeth, although not much we can do about those at the moment, not good news though! She is back on Monday to have her stitches out! I have taken a few days off to look after her until then!

Thank you to everyone who has asked about her, I really appreciate it! I promise I'll catch up tomorrow whilst I'm off looking after Kiki! It's been a stressful day, I'm just glad to have my girl home! x

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