Bowl Maker

L's birthday so I went up town to meet her from her work and we went to see a show at The Pleasance. It was called 10x10x10 - billed as 10 comedians giving 10 different 10-minute monologues. Not quite sure why we only got six of them. As with such things, the quality varied from poor to meh, not bad and rather good. We went for food before going to see our friend D in HMS Pinafore. He, and the rest of the cast, put on a good show, especially what they did with the song He Is An Englishman. Went for a drink with him afterwards, in that Fringe haunt of old, The Doctors, where we also met the lovely C, who had been singing in a show as well. Edinburgh at Festival time!
All of which is nothing to do with this picture, taken on a back street close to L's office.

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