
By FergInCasentino

Checking out the newbie

Rain on rain today had me out in the lane sweeping the flint and chalk washing by and resting further down the road. 

Our racing pigeon seems unkeen to race home. For some reason we know her as 'Marjorie' . She sits in the pine opposite and when food is put out she flies over, eats, and peers in from the window sill at the dry and warmth.

At one point she took off only to reappear again having done a circuit of the valley. She is on the lower right in this poor photo. Three local wood pigeons seem to have come to check out her sleek racing lines.

We have her leg number and if she doesn't move on we'll get in touch with her owner through the Racing Pigeon website. Until then I've got her a nice new bag of food and she is a welcome addition.

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