Ghost Boat....

....or so it appears to be! 
I had a really nice morning--met my sister for a long visit over breakfast & then stopped at the Clock Shadow Creamery to pick up some cheese curds to take to Houston, as requested by Jen & Joe, both of whom are craving them; Jen also wants an extra bag to share with her co-workers who have never heard of or tasted them! How is that possible??  Then I stopped along the Lake to take some pictures--it's cloudy & cool, but no rain, & the water was very calm today. In case you can't figure out what my ghost blip is, I put the first picture of the boat in my extras; for the second picture --my blip-- I just lowered the camera so that the waterline was the top of the photo, took the picture of the reflection, inverted it, & there you have it--a floating  "ghost boat"!  :))

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