After two days of rain, and some of it torrential, it isn’t surprising that the remaining blooms in the garden are suffering - so rather than let the Queen of Sweden “moulder” like the rest of the roses on this particular bush, I decided to bring her indoors, put her on my kitchen windowsill and enjoy her beauty.

Although I prefer to leave flowers where they are blooming, sometimes they need a little TLC - just like us.  

I have had two reminders recently that perhaps I am doing too much - from one of my sons and also from a blip friend who wrote the following words on my blog, and I hope she won’t mind me sharing them:

“It isn’t the noise that other people make that unsettles our minds, but the noise we make ourselves.”  

Perhaps I need to “stand (or even sit) and stare” a bit more rather than rushing around - and enjoy the moment.  I know it will be difficult for someone like me, who is always used to dashing around, but if God thinks I need to, perhaps that’s why he has sent me not one, but two reminders!

Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am
Be still and know
Be still

(From Psalm 46:10)

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