and through the wire...

By hesscat


Backblipping begins...

We were glad the walk to Crickhowell happened yesterday, it mostly be raining today! A day to spend under cover... in this case, 300 feet under! Despite spending many days over the last 7 years in this part of Wales, we'd never got round to visiting The Big Pit but today was the day and for some reason it was rather busy!

Donned with miners torches and power packs (no cameras or batteries) we spent about an hour on a guided tour round coal faces which was fascinating. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to work down there. What came across most of all was the pride of the guides, who are all ex-miners, the effects of the past 30 odd years and the frustration that there are rich coal supplies that will not see light of day anytime soon...

Sounds like a cue for a film showing...

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