Happy Birthday T!

It has been T's birthday today so we were up early this am doing pressies and cards in bed and of course C wanting to help open everything! Rosie did her first ever rollovers this am on the bed and then got v stroppy as she couldn't roll back again!! Clever girl.

We had an appointment with the consultant for C this am which went very well and our doctor had a lot of positive feedback for us which was just brilliant.

After that we went for a celebratory b'day lunch at The Star in Kingsclere, a lovely pub and welcome escape from the torrential rain. We had such a lovely meal and C was so well behaved even the waitress commented on it. The powers of a big sticker and quiz book - worked wonders!

A spot of shopping on the way home and a new hairdryer for me after mine blew up this am!!

A really nice day.

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