
By Madchickenwoman

Reservoir Dogs?!

Well – what can I say about the walk! It was wet! It was over rough terrain! It was like an Outward Bound course! It was hugely enjoyable!
Much to my surprise I was at Gileseys on time! That never happens! Things were off to a good start! Was just drinking down my cup of tea when Mydartmoorwalks arrived to chauffeur us! He asked us repeatedly if we were sure we wanted to do the walk! Gilesey would not be deterred but he kept asking me if I was sure so my face obviously showed my misgivings and the more he asked me the more I began to worry whether I was up to it! He did tell me to tuck my waterproofs over my boots,to which I did give a resounding “no!” he told me there was no point being fashionable on dartmoor – you know what my rejoinder was to that! I proceeded to show him how if I pulled the waterproofs up a little I had some to fold over the top of my boots – function and fashion! 
As we were nearing our destination up the narrow road we encountered a farm vehicle pulling an animal trailor – it had just passed another car in a space and then instead of letting us do the same came straight at us! So we and the car behind us reversed, to a space none of us had seen for quite a while behind us! As I looked beyond the farm vehicle I spotted cows – Ah Ha! That explained it! We finally found a place the farmer obviously thought was right as he waved us to stop, and he and the herd of steaming, mooing cows came slowly past us! What a sight they were! Gorgeous beasts and calves! 
Once at the parking area more walkers slowly arrived and my anxiety levels grew – they had serious walking gear! Gaiters, walking sticks, covers for their sensible rucksacks! I had long red lace up fashionable wellies and a canvas bag over my shoulder! But my boots and jacket are Ilse Jacobsen and I had waterproof trousers and a fleece  ear band! Gilesey had a sensible rucksuck with  silver spacelooking cover and walking boots – but no waterproof trousers and her three walking sticks and gaiters were in her garage!! 
So – off we set in the pouring rain up to the first tor! Fairly steep, rivelets, puddles, mud, stones and grass! I could not remember a single name of anyone who we had been introduced to – and decided to do a Reservoir Dogs naming according to the colour of their rain jackets – luckily everyone had a different colour! As the walk progressed this seemed an unfortunate naming as in the film they all get killed!  At the top we discovered all the men had been in the Dartmoor Rescue Service! Explains why they were well ahead! Onwards to the next tor! Streams to cross, grassy hillocks which meant sudden foot sized dips to turn your ankle over in! Gilesey fell and her already sodden trousers became sodden smelly trousers – lots of cow pats! Finally the rangers station for a break – when I say station I mean shed with coal bags lining one side! By this point the rain had eased so cameras out for me and Gilesey! We discovered Gilesey was the baby of the group in age – the oldest man was 73!! Or was it 72! 
Next stage was the Clitters! They are boulders strewn down the side like giants lego bricks! Even the dog got stuck at times! Well I managed these only to find my feet shooting away in front of me and me ending up flat on my back winded when we hit the innocent flat grass! Luckily I was at the back so no one witnessed this! I took the rest of the way down very carefully! 
Pleasant bit of flat walking before we hit the bracken! 6 foot high and the flattened leaves determined to trip me up with their strong stalks! At this point I just couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud and exclaiming this was the maddest walk I had ever done! I was assured we would all reach the end – I was beginning to think mydartmoorwalks was trying to whittle us down – each different type of terrain designed to take at least one of us out! At this point Gilesey went into cohorts with him and flicked a tree branch in my face! 
The walk along the raging torrent of the River Tavy was gorgeous – the sound of rushing water and the smell of bracken, and the view of it roaring its way along! Finally it was the ascent up to the cars – Gilesey visualising a pint and me the toilet! Taking off our walking gear before getting in the car I discovered my waterproof trousers were not in fact waterproof – and neither was my right boot! 
The pub lunch was particularly welcome – as was the lemon meringue pie! Only myself and one other walker had pudding! But then I had the shortest legs so by my reckoning had walked further – or rather taken more steps as mydartmoorwalks pointed out – actually checking our phone apps I had walked further as mine said 7.70km in 3 hours 15 minutes, his said 7.4, or was it 7.3?! I Should also mention the sun came out whilst we ate!
After a cup of tea at Gilesey's and a cuddle with Nibbler I set off home – I feel shattered! Plus my shoulder is beginning to ache! Think this took the brunt of my spectacular slip! I have arranged to take Friend to her hospital appt tomorrow – if I can move! 2 Nurofen and an early night I think! After the hospital it’s lunch and a bit of a shop for walking gear for me ready for next weeks walk – bring it on!! 
The walk that could be photographed is here!

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