Wet family selfie

Night wasn't too bad with us all being in that same room. Munchie woke a couple of times, shouted for us but going back to sleep each time. She did climb into our bed around 4am but as wom was stirring we just did bed swap.

Breakfast was chaotic but fun. Very tasty

The heavens then opened. We set off. We were the only idiots people going out on the tramway. It was damp but the children were both suited up so were fine. Got to the other end, hot chocolates and then headed back

Still raining

Headed to peco. The were operating their wet weather policy so instead of it costing us about £10 each we only paid £5 for munchie to go in soft play
Ate lunch
Soft playtastic
Train ride

I went to the shops
Such fun
Bought coat and some shoes!

Fish and chips for tea. Ice creams for pudding. Walk along the front and bedtime

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