Hector's House

By MisterPrime


Got our annual threat of eviction notice from the allotment association yesterday, so we've been up there today, chopping down docks and nettles and tidying paths and beds. We're the victims of a clash of ideologies, really: if we levelled the whole space like a farmer's field, dug it over and planted some massive crop of onions or something, more than we could use, we'd be fine with the traditional allotment ruling guard of gentlemen of a certain age; but because we try to cottage-garden it a bit, be sustainable, grow a variety of stuff we like, to use and are, to be honest, a bit scruffy, it's sometimes a bit of an ongoing battle. Not helped, of course, by the amount of rain we've had recently and the fact that the weeds have gone mental. A certain amount of hard work and much paranoid grumbling about the neighbours beckons for a week or two, I think...

Bought a rather nice recent reissue of The Adverts' 'Crossing The Red Sea With The Adverts' earlier in the week that I've been listening to a lot over the last few days - definitely a British Punk classic and probably a bit more fitting for the fight than the rest of this week's slightly more laid-back listening of Peaking Lights and the new Giant Sand...

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