
........of Frills

An oyster shell for TinyTuesday.
I picked this shell up from the beach while staying in Greymouth. It really was a surprise finding it had survived the pounding waves and the stony beach of this exposed coastline.
Osuzanna has hosted this challenge for the month of August. Thank you, Suzanna - you have done a tremendous job.
A really huge thank you  everyone for taking the time to look at my back blip of the White Heron and leaving so many wonderful comments, stars and hearts. As I write, it is sitting in sixth position on the front of the popular pages. I’m really thrilled with your response.
Also, I want to say a big thank you  for the comments and stars for yesterday’s MonoMonday ‘balance’ blip.  It was a bonus finding those chairs which were balanced in such a way to be suitable for the challenge.

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