
By cowgirl


I FINALLY MET ALICE!!! It's taken two months, but I got to cuddle my god daughter's daughter!

But first -

Joy asked me to ride Derby, her horse, for her today, so I was happy to help. Afterwards, we were chatting with another friend, who happened to remark that " Scope's started, there are some results up " - she was checking this on her phone.

( Scope is a UK supreme showjumping championship, which you have to qualify for at various events through the year ).

This reminded me that I was supposed to be going to Scope with Emma and Nelson! I zipped over to the farm, where everyone was getting ready to go, organising who was in which car, what time to go, who's ready, who's not ... Eventually we set off, men, women, children and a horse, in 3 different vehicles and at 3 different times!

Still, we all regrouped once there and watched two classes before it was Emma's turn. There were 150 horses competing in her class and they were in first! Nelson flew round, jumping beautifully, clearing the fences without so much as a tap on any pole - til the last fences ... A double ( ie two jumps a stride apart ) facing in the direction of the warm up arena, which may have been the problem. Something distracted Nelson, causing him to take his eye off the jumps and he stopped at the first part. You could here the hearts break in our corner. He popped over both parts with ease when Emma re-presented him at them.

Ah well, some you win ... Anyway, they get to jump again tomorrow, so hopefully they'll get on better.

HOWEVER - the highlight for me was finally meeting little Alice. As you can imagine, I made sure I had lots and lots of cuddles!! Mary and Alex are very good with her, although we did have to dissuade Alex from poking his finger into her ears!

Mary has a new ' photograph face' - when you say smile, she pulls this little face! Well, after 3 and a half years of having a camera shoved in her face I guess she feels it's time to mix it up a bit!!

The extra is me on Derby.

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