Why aren't you in bed?

My daughter has a large whiteboard and chalkboard in her bedroom which she loves. We often find all sorts of weird and wonderful pictures on it in the morning which weren't there when she went to bed!
My Mum and Dad are renewing their wedding vows after 40+ years in August and Olivia is a 'bridesmaid' with her cousin. She is ridiculously excited and she is on count down until the big day. When I asked what Granddad was doing she very seriously told me that he was on a trampoline. So Mum, if you're reading, I hope you've got a trampoline sorted out for the church!

We had hoped to go to Waterloo today to see some of the build up of the re-enactment of the Battle of Waterloo. However Dexter decided he'd rather spend the day vomiting.

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