I was woken up at 8.30am by the two Council workmen who had come to  fix my wall.  I had thought it might be a quiet job but they had to chip all the old cement off each brick before they built up the wall again so it turned out to be quite noisy. . They didn't take too long to  finish and the wall now looks great.

I walked down to the village after lunch - to the bank and Tesco.  The weather was OK.  No need for a coat.

Down to the village again at 5.30pm for slimming club.  Weight stayed the same this week.  There were tears from a couple of ladies for whom the result on the scales was not what they expected.  Putting a pound or two on unexpectedly is an emotional business.

My blip is of a plaque which has recently appeared on a bench which I pass every time I walk down to the village.  Its obviously  home made and has not been put there officially.  Every time I see it I wonder " Who was Hacksaw ".  Other folk have wondered too and questions have been asked on the Residents Facebook page.  However there doesn't seem to have been a definitive answer.  Some have said it refers to " Hacksaw "  Jim Duggan - an American professional wrestler. However as he is very much alive I don't think that's the answer. Perhaps it will remain a mystery.    RIP Hacksaw.

Steps today - 10,354

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