
I was going to have posted some more back blips but am doing today's instead to make comments relevant to the day.

I got up, posted back blips, did a bit of housework, went to the gym, came home and checked on blip.

All I got was a page of blank boxes where the photos should have been. I discovered that I could read the text of entries and do replies but obviously couldn't comment on photos that weren't showing. 

A walk up Scandale this afternoon to check on the mess they are making of the valley progress of the Hydro scheme. Home and still no pics on my blip screen. Strange thing is that I've uploaded my photo ok.

Has anyone else got this problem? I've tried all the usual remedies. 

UPDATE 17.42 The photos have reappeared :)  Perhaps there was someone at BlipCentral to read my email. 

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