
By stuartjross


I have been given a Blip membership for Father's Day and our boys (11 and 13) came up with the idea themselves. I am very pleased and grateful.
Lochaber has been dull and dreich with wet misty clouds shrouding the mountains much of the time. Mhairi and I took the dogs for a tramp around Leanachan. (They were very short changed yesterday and I may enlarge with a Back Blip). There were some amusing dog pics on the walk but I actually took this looking over the garden gate before we set off. There was nothing to see if you raised yout eye to the mountains.
The beads of water were really standing off the leaves and I was scared that they would be lost if an errant foot brushed against them.
I have silicon wax I use on my ageing hill walking boots and once treated this is exactly how the water behaves after crossing a burn or some wet bog land.

My soaked feet after our Leanachan walk reminds me another application is due.

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